
31-03-2025 Vol 19

Starting the New Year With a Hike

I love hiking, although I am not very good at it. We have a dear friend who showed us the secrets of winter hiking, what kind of gear to use and what to expect. We even got to try snow shoes! This hike was in Alpine, along a trail that is wide. It was a good, gentle introduction for us.

The important thing with enjoying the nature is that if you have the right gear, the elements won’t get to you, and you can enjoy it. many layers and tops with zippers make it easy to regulate the heat. If you wear sweaters, peeling them is hard. But if you can just open the layers easily, you can control how hot you are. Going up we had almost everything open. Then, coming down you don’t generate as much body heat, and it was good to be able to zip up and be warm again.

After the heat layers, a light, waterproof shell will keep the wind and moisture out. Gore-tex is great. Also, a pair of gaiters will prevent snow going to your shoes. They are wrapped around your ankles and legs. Of course a pair of waterproof boots are good too.

We got to try the snow shoes, the first time ever. They were fun. the person opening the trail gets the most workout, it is easier for the people who follow. So, it is a good idea to swap the lead man every once in a while. Alejandro had a blast with the snowshoes. He ran and climbed with them off the trail , he was having fun. We started on the dirt road, and then went off trail to get the full experience.

It was snowing slightly where we were. In the background you can see more of the weather. The sun was behind us as we ascended and it made the snow flakes sparkle like little diamonds.

Javier and I didn’t have gaiters and waterproof shells, but we had fun too. He was well bundled, so he didn’t get cold, even though he really took full advantage of the snow. The boys had a great time. enjoying the pure air, getting oxygen, being close to the nature, and together as a family just makes a great experience! Javi loved to throw snow, and he got his fair share of it too! It was powdery snow, the kind that has made Utah famous, “the Greatest Snow on Earth.”

I hope my boys will remember these unique opportunities, and maybe even make it a habit to enjoy the great outdoors that we have so close here in Utah.

We are so blessed to have a good tutor, who shows us things that we don’t know about. Not being from here inhibits me to even try sometimes. Having a good coach, teacher, tutor, friend, who has the patience and good will, removes all the obstacles, and the only one left is just getting off of your behind and just do it. We were well taken care of.

Tom has showed us the joys of fly fishing and hiking.

We saw about 10 deer during the hike. In this picture there are three, right in the middle of the picture (click on the picture to enlarge it.) Some passed us really close. We saw many tracks, deer tracks and rabbit tracks.

The hike was so much fun, and a great way to start the year.


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