
23-02-2025 Vol 19

Getting Night Crawlers With Visa Concierge Service

I have a Visa Signature Card and I have always wondered what the concierge service is all about. So, today I decided to try it. I didn’t want to do anything significant, in case things didn’t go well. I didn’t even know if it costs me money. So, I decided to start small.

I called the number in the back of the card 1-800-953-7392. I thought that I could ask a person first how much the service costs. I was on hold for about 14 minutes when I hung up. That was disappointing. I never got to talk with a real person. While I was on hold, the recording message said that i could do this online. I finally gave in and went online on my smart phone.

Sign-up Could Be Better

I went to my bank’s web page online and followed the links to the concierge service. In fact, I did it twice because the page doesn’t look official. If you go to you can see the phone number to call to, but no obvious links to the service. If you click on any of the “Talk to a concierge” links, it will take you to I was expecting something like So, I double-checked that I wasn’t on some scam page. I think they could improve the perception. The site look a bit bare and I was skeptical.

after verifying the page, I registered to the concierge service. Soon i received a confirmation email:

Making My First Request

OK, so now it was time to  actually request them to do something. I wanted to go fishing with my boys today, and I needed some worms, so I thought I would ask the Visa Signature Service to find out where I could buy them in Lehi, UT. It was not opera tickets or a reservation in a fancy restaurant. I wanted night crawlers. I set my maximum price on the form to $5. I wouldn’t pay more than that for worms. I couldn’t request the information for today, I was promised the information tomorrow, the earliest. Oh well, I might have to find the worms on my own.

Soon I received an email confirming the request:

Very informal again. They promised the information within 24 hours this time. However it says that “If your request is urgent…” I could email them or call to expedite. I decided that finding worms wasn’t that urgent.

The Response

To my surprise I received a response after exactly one hour:

Only Cabela’s is close, the two others are too far for me to drive to because I wanted to go fishing. I started to wonder if they just looked these up in the phone book. Harmon’s? I called all three places and they told me that they have worms for bait for less than $5. The person at Harmon’s sounded intrigued. I bet the Charles from the concierge called them before I did. Maybe the lady at the customer service thought that this was a prank. Two people calling for worms within one hour.

What Do I Think About it?

I think that the presentation has room for improvement. It looked a bit informal or even suspicious at times. Also, the phone service was sub standard. If i really wanted to by opera tickets, I would have to be on the phone for 15+ minutes with the opera. In many cases it would be faster to do it myself. however, with a bit of planning I can submit the request before hand online and save time. You can even have them buy the tickets for you.

There might be some cultural issue too involved. I would have gone to a gas station to buy night crawlers, but the places I got from the Concierge Service were all big places. There are a lot more gas stations around. Charles the Concierge probably didn’t think of that. Maybe he doesn’t know how enough about the culture.

Overall I was surprisingly satisfied with the service. They took my request seriously and found reliable information. I think this is a great service, specially when traveling. I will definitely use the Visa Signature Concierge Service again.


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