Test-Driven Development

    I just finished a three-day training course on Test-Driven Development (TDD) by Industrial Logic. It was jam packed with really great information. Luckily they gave us online access to all the material so that i can review it later. It was too much to digest in the class. I recommend that course to anyone. Often we think that TDD is simply “write the test first, see it fail, then write code until the test passes”. It is much more. How you do things actually really matters. Some major points I took from the training are: Refactoring: You have to stay green in your tests while refactoring. Yes, constantly. Make tiny,…

  • Software Engineering


    Jekyll is a blogging framework for the software engineers. You write posts in the command line, and they appear in your blog.  Granted, there are better blogging frameworks, but this is an interesting one. When you create a git repository and push it to a remote repository, you have a great system for capturing for lab notes or work journal entries. Getting Started Starting with Jekyll is simple and straight forward. As the instructions on the home page (http://jekyllrb.com/) states: ~ $ gem install jekyll ~ $ jekyll new my-awesome-site ~ $ cd my-awesome-site ~/my-awesome-site $ jekyll serve Now take care of persisting it to a git repository: ~/my-awesome-site $ git init ~/my-awesome-site $ git add . ~/my-awesome-site $ git commit -m "Initial check-in" ~/my-awesome-site $ git…

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